Our group

Christian Huber

Employment and Education:

Assistant Professor, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Tech, 2011-…
Adjunct Faculty, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech, 2013-…
Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Tech (supervisor Joe Dufek), summer 2009-2011.
PhD in Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Berkeley (supervisor M. Manga) , 2005-2009.
BSc. Physics, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 2001-2004.
MSc. Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1998-2001.
BSc. Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1995-1998.




  • Tarsilo Girona (PhD at EOS Singapore 2015, advisor Fidel Costa)


Tarsilo has joined our group in the summer 2015. Tarsilo’s background is in physics and he is interested about the stability of volcanic foams and passive degassing processes in active volcanoes. Tarsilo has spent a semester with us and worked on lattice Boltzmann methods to study non-Newtonian rheologies for magma transport to magma chambers (a few years back). He is back now for a postdoc, focusing on persistantly degassing volcanoes and the self organization of melt pathways in heterogeneous media.







Graduate students

Yanqing finished her MSc at the University of Science and Technology of China where she focused on planetary sciences (hybrid modeling of collisionless shock). One of her interest for the PhD is to study bubble dynamics, how bubble deformation and coalescence influence the properties of a suspensions and relate that to volcanic eruption dynamics.







  • Salah Faroughi (2012-)

Salah finished his MSC in mechanical engineering from Sharif University, Iran. The focus of his work is multiphase flows in porous media. For his PhD, Salah is interested to study multiphase mass transport in porous media. One question we are interested about is how does a sharp transition in porosity influence the multiphase mass transport in porous media.







  • Hamid Ghazizadeh Karani (2013-)


Hamid did a MSc in Mechanical Engineering at Tarbiat Modares University, in Iran. He studied anomalous heat transfer in heterogeneous media and developed numerical models of transport based on fractional calculus. Hamid is interested to develop upscaling methods to include complex non-linear pore-scale processes in continuum porous media transport descriptions.








Past members

  • Babak Shafei (PhD student and postdoc; now Project Director and Senior Consultant at Amphos 21, Barcelona, Spain.)


Babak has finished his PhD (Georgia Tech) in summer 2012, working on reactive transport modeling. He received an M.S. in Environmental Engineering form the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2006. He has spent one additional year as a postdoc in my lab, working on the development of pore-scale numerical models for reactive flow transport using the lattice Boltzmann numerical method. One of the central interest in this research is to understand how heterogeneities at different spatial scales influence reactive transport and ultimately built upscaling approaches to incorporate pore-scale effects into continuum scale transport models.



Caroline has finished her PhD at the end of 2011 at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Caroline’s interests include magmatic petrology, field work and theoretical and numerical modeling to link geochemical and geophysical observationsin volcanology to dynamical processes. She studied as a Post-doc from 2012 till 2013 between EOS in Singapore (under the supervision of Dr Fidel Costa) and here at Georgia Tech. Caroline works on the recent eruptions of the Rabaul volcanic system, New Britain, Papua New Guinea and tries to understand the magma chamber and eruption dynamics of the Tavurvur-Vulcan vent tandem (last common eruption was in 1994).




  • Andrea Parmigiani (postdoc; now Ambizione Researcher, ETH Zurich)

Andrea has finished his PhD in Computer Science – Earth Sciences at the University of Geneva in early 2011. Andrea’s background (undergrad and masters) is in physics. During his PhD, Andrea and I worked in close collaboration to develop novel methods for multiphase flows in porous media and problems related to volcanology. Andrea has spent an additional postdoc year in my lab from 2012 to 2013 to work on bubble transport in porous media, mixing of miscible suspensions (fluids with crystals) and reactive transport models at the pore-scale.




  • Wim Degruyter (2012-2015, now postdoctoral fellow at ETH, Switzerland)


Wim completed a PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Geneva, Switzerland (2010). Wim’s background is in Maths and during his PhD, he studied the texture of pumices and the dynamics of explosive volcanic eruptions. Wim is currently working with me on a model of magma chamber dynamics to study feedbacks between recharges, cooling, exsolution and eruptions.

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