The group is back from AGU. First AGU experience for Yanqing and Salah. Yanqing presented a talk on Monday and a poster on Wednesday, Salah a poster on Wednesday. They both did a great job and are now finalizing writing up the first papers of their PhD. Wim also had great feedback for his poster. …
Author Archives: Chris
School Year is over – Summer plans
The school year is finally over. The summer is important to get some momentum into our projects… here is what we are up to: Yanqing works on two major fronts: bubble dynamics in magma, studying the uptake of trace element during bubble growth for example. The second line of study deals with the effect of …
Start of classes Monday.
This semester, covering Earth System Modeling (introduction to numerical modeling with the finite difference method)
Congratulations Babak !
Congratulations to Dr Shafei who successfully defended his PhD last Tuesday. Welcome to the postdoc world !
Gcube paper out now…
In a collaboration with Olivier Bachmann (ETH, Switzerland), Joe Dufek (GTech), Jean-Louis Vigneresse (Universite Nancy, France) and Andrea Parmigiani (GTech), we developed a model to explain the accumulation and transport of trace metals out of magma chambers by exsolved volatiles. The enrichment and transport of these metals out of shallow magma chambers is a fundamental …
New class this Fall
This Fall,a new class on lattice Boltzmann modeling for Geosciences will be offered. It will be held on Mondays from 4.30-6.30.
Welcome to new students
This summer our group is growing with the arrival of two graduate and three postdoctoral students. I am happy to welcome Salah Faroughi, Yanqing Su, Babak Shafei, Caroline Bouvet de Maisonneuve and Andrea Parmigiani. This will be an exciting and fruitful year.